Provider FAQ

General Questions

Where are in-person programs held?
In-person programs are scheduled across the country (including Canada and South Africa) throughout the year. Look for a training near you.
What if there are no trainings scheduled in my area?
WorkWell is always looking for sites to host trainings. Consider hosting a training at your site, especially if you have 2 or more clinicians to train. Having faculty at your site offers the benefit of live information and tons of insights. Contact us to learn more.
If multiple courses are being offered at one time, do I need to attend all the courses?
No - you may register for and attend just the day(s) of the program(s) in which you wish to train. For example, if a training includes FCE, FJA, POET and WR, you may attend just the FCE portion. However, you must attend the entire FCE program to receive credit. Attendance at all course sessions for each program you register for is required in order to receive a certificate of completion.
Are word processing templates included with purchase?
How far in advance is payment due to secure my spot in a training session?
What kind of equipment is needed for the WorkWell FCE?
There is a specific list of required equipment for the WorkWell FCE. Many of these items may already be in your clinic. However, for those items you have to purchase, WorkWell does recommend some specific equipment that meets designated safety standards/consultant measurement needs. To view the equipment list and vendor recommendations, click here.
Easy Train Questions

You may sign up for an Easy Train subscription at the rate of $59.95 per month. If you wish to utilize any of the core programs (FCE, FJA, POET) that you were previously trained in, you will need to pay a $100 Copyright and Set-Up Fee per program for the rights to use these programs at your new practice. You are not required to re-train in these programs. Up-to-date program materials/templates are included for your new practice. If you plan to attend any core training programs you were not trained in, you will pay a training fee for those in-person programs.
That’s easy. You can sign up for an Easy Train subscription at the rate of $59.95 per month. We will verify which programs your facility owns the copyright to and get you set up. If you plan to attend any core training programs, you will need to pay a training fee for those in-person programs.
If you have multiple sites, there is a further reduced rate for 10 or more sites.
The online documentation tools for FCE, FJA and POET are available to you only through the Easy Train subscription. And, remember, you pay no usage fees! Learn more about Easy Train.
How do I cancel my Easy Train membership?
We hope you will like Easy Train so much you won’t want to cancel. But if you do wish to cancel, we request a 60-day written notice. Please email with any questions you may have.
What happens if I cancel my Easy Train membership?
You will no longer have access to web-based software ( FCE, FJA, POET) or be eligible for other Easy Train benefits. Software is linked to membership.
What happens after I sign up for Easy Train?
You will receive a Welcome Packet that tells you everything you need to know about accessing your Easy Train benefits. Potential opportunities may be available in your area for Onsite, FJA and POET, but there is no guarantee of business.
If the copyrights to the WorkWell programs were included as assets in the sale to you, then you now own the copyrights to the programs. Please provide WorkWell with written notification that the WorkWell programs were included as assets in the sale. If you, as the owner, were one of the clinicians trained in the WorkWell programs, then all you need to do is sign up for the Easy Train subscription at the rate of $59.95 per month.
If you were not trained in the WorkWell programs, you will need to purchase in-person training for FCE, WR and/or FJA/POET in addition to your Easy Train subscription.